Friday, August 21, 2009

Third Task

Topic: Favourite Writer

I have been trying to find my favourite writer,
someone whose work is not triter,
someone who can make my burden seem lighter,
someone who can make my world brighter,
someone who can inspire me to hold on a little tighter.

I thought Darren Shan was the one,
but his works were too childish.

I thought J.R.R Tolkien was the one,
but his works were too heavily descriptive.

I thought J.K. Rowling was the one,
but her works were not authentic.

I thought Amanda Quick was the one,
but her works were too repetitive.

I have been trying to find my favourite writer,
I have gone through many authors,
and I am still trying to find my favourite writer.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Second Task

Topic: Last Weekend

Final Version (earlier versions can be found below)

Last weekend,
I found a new person to befriend,
I saw that she was godsend,
She was not made to offend,
I thought she was worthy of commend.

So when I had a party to attend,
I asked her to join me and blend,
She told me that was not what she intend,
She was not here for me to vend.

Alas that was the end,
I could do nothing to emend,
turned out, she was all pretend,
and all of this happened last weekend.

Attempt 3:
Last weekend,
I did nothing at all.

I went to a ball,
I went to the mall.
I bought a new shawl.
I was soaked in a rainfall.
I found a software to install.

Last weekend,
I did nothing at all.

Attempt 2:
Last weekend,
I missed my train home.

Last weekend,
I wrote a poem.

Last weekend,
I went to a mosque, and admired its dome.

Last weekend,
I found an antique comb.

Last weekend,
I found a park to roam.

Last weekend,
I thought I saw a gnome,

Last weekend,
I coloured my nails chrome,

Attempt 1:
Last weekend,
I thought was a bore.

Last weekend,
I read not one novel, but four.

Last weekend,
I arranged my stuff to store.

Last weekend,
I saw an eagle soar,

Last weekend,
I helped someone I adore.

Friday, August 7, 2009

First Task

Class: Creative Writing
Task: Write a poem of at least 6 lines about yourself.

I am Sidra Naim
I am quiet and loud,
I am a writer and a reader,
I am interesting and boring,
I am a student and a teacher,
I am a friend and a foe,

I am what I am,
I am Sidra Naim.